Bowen Therapy For Pain & Mobility

Bowen Therapy for back pain and mobility


Bowen Therapy gave me relief from pain after a long and fearful year of back spasms and sciatica. 

I had gotten to a point where I was scared to move in case I triggered another spasm. 


After a year of being in constant pain, I’d given up hope. 

Nothing seemed to work to fix my back – not pain relief tablets, not anti-inflammatories, not back adjustments or remedial stretches, or massage.

Sleep was virtually non-existent. And I’d lost confidence that I could ever get my life back on track.

Then my sister paid for me to have a Bowen treatment, and it changed my life.

I was hesitant at first. I’d gone past believing anything could help. But after 5 Bowen sessions, I was totally pain-free and mobile again. 

It’s a joy to be free of pain. I still appreciate every little thing I can do again. Even hanging washing brings a smile.


I was nervous about my first appointment.

I was worried I wouldn’t get through a treatment session, or I’d cry and embarrass myself. After a year of constant pain, I was exhausted and often teary.

As soon as I lay on the table my back spasmed, which was immediately treated with what felt like small presses on my back.

I couldn’t believe that such tiny movements could end months of agony.

It was strange trying to explain Bowen to family and friends. It was like nothing I’d experienced before.

A small movement is followed by a wait so your body can adjust and settle before the next movement. 

You wear loose clothing, and all the adjustments are made through your clothes.

I had a total of 5 appointments, usually 60-90 minutes long. 

Two years later, I still haven’t had a back spasm. I’m mobile again. I move without sciatic pain.

And I am forever grateful.

Bowen diagram showing how brain and nerve receptors communicate


Bowen Therapy involves gently manipulating the soft tissue (fascia) that covers our muscles, tendons, ligaments, and organs to promote pain relief.

The manipulations seem so gentle you could fall asleep at times. But each precise movement is designed to influence the receptors of your nervous system.

Our brain and sensory receptors (see image above) constantly send messages to each other via our spinal cord and nervous system.

Bowen Therapy uses gentle, rolling hand movements at specific points to shut off our ‘fight-flight’ sympathetic nervous system and activate the calming parasympathetic nervous system that controls our body’s ability to relax and release tension.  

These gentle manipulations begin a process that continues over several days as your body adjusts and resets.

After a treatment, sometimes you might feel tender, tingling, or even tired, but that doesn’t last for long, and you keep improving.

You’re also given an after-treatment care list of guidelines to help you heal.

I did find it helpful to give feedback about how my body was responding during treatment.

Also, make sure you drink plenty of water before and after a treatment to rehydrate your fascia and aid recovery.

And once you’re healed, move your body every day to keep the pain away.  


There’s a growing body of research that reveals how effective Bowen Therapy can be for a wide range of conditions.

From my own experience with Bowen, and exploring research studies, I recommend Bowen Therapy for anyone suffering from pain or loss of mobility.

I’m in my sixties now and it’s wonderful to know there is something I can do to stay pain-free as I age. 

All the best,

Tracey R

Arm mobility improvement after a Bowen treatment.


Using Bowen Therapy, Misty McLaren helps people from all walks of life ease their suffering. Here’s what a few of her clients have discovered.


Misty is amazing. At first, I thought Bowen was only for physical problems, but she has cleared my head of many other issues.

100% recommend for any physical or psychological problems you are experiencing. I’m a client for life.



Highly recommend Misty and her work.

Four sessions and my long-term lower back and hamstring pain has gone.

Started the footy season feeling better than I have in years.



I staggered in with back pain that had me on the floor with spasms and pain.

Misty is empathetic warm and friendly and dug in all the right spots.

Walking out I noticed significant improvements but still a bit tender.

After a sleep I would say a good 60% improvement in one session

Looking forward to the next session and so grateful that she could squeeze me in.



Bowen Therapy is amazing for pain relief!

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