Table of Contents
Table of Contents
ToggleJin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) is beneficial for many conditions including pain and inflammation, high blood pressure, immune function, fatigue, stress, anxiety, sleep quality, and promoting metabolic health.
Techniques are also taught so you can continue working with JSJ at home for self-care.
Jin Shin Jyutsu (pronounced jin shin jitsu) is an ancient Japanese healing art (712 C.E) that releases stress and tensions, unblocking and harmonising the flow of energy in your body.
JSJ is based on the understanding that illness—mental, emotional, and physical—develops from blockages in energy flow.
Our bodies contain energy pathways that feed our cells. When one or more of these paths become blocked, there is damming effect.
Energy blockages (stagnation) will not only disrupt the local area but will continue and eventually disharmonise complete paths of energy flow.
In the early 1900s, Jiro Murai organised the oral teachings of Jin Shin Jyutsu into a system of healing, after using JSJ to recover from a life-threatening illness.
One of his students was a Japanese-American woman named Mary Burmeister, who is responsible for collating his teachings into several books and sharing the knowledge with students all over the world.
A typical Jin Shin Jyutsu session lasts about an hour. The client lies face up on a comfortable padded table, remaining fully clothed during the entire session.
The practitioner gently places their hands on various ‘safety energy locks’, which are concentrate energy sites in the body.
Two energy locks are held simultaneously until the tension or congestion is released and the energy can flow again.
Then one or both hands moves to another energy lock and along areas of the body where there is tension.
There are 26 energy safety locks, and the specific sequences of movements used are called ‘flows’.
Each energy lock can take seconds to minutes to release and re-energise.
The effects of Jin Shin Jyutsu are unique for each person and each session. The most common effects include a reduction in pain, deep relaxation after the treatment, and feeling refreshed.
A huge benefit of Jin Shin Jyutsu is its ability to reduce stress and stress-related disorders including heart disease, inflammation, digestion issues, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), obesity, tension headaches, high blood sugar, asthma, skin conditions, memory impairment, depression, and sleep dysfunction
And the ongoing self-care techniques give you a way to calm your body, mind, and emotions.
Studies conducted in hospital settings have shown JSJ is effective for pregnant mothers with preeclampsia, for women diagnosed with breast cancer, as well as easing pain and side effects during treatment for multiple myeloma, and even stress reduction in nurses working in busy hospital environments.
Clinical studies have also demonstrated that JSJ can help improve the health and quality of life outcomes for children with special needs, as well as people living with HIV/AIDS.
Testimonials also verify the benefits of harmonising energy using Jin Shin Jyutsu.
But perhaps the greatest testimonial comes from Mary Burmeister herself when she said – I am my own testimony.
Her words are a wonderful reminder that we are the evidence of the lives we live. Mary wanted all of us to know a truth she discovered through JSJ – that within each one of us lies the power to cast all misery aside and to know complete peace and oneness – to know ourselves.
Kevin offers Jin Shin Jyutsu and meditation to teach people how to create a state of harmony within themselves.
His joy is helping people understand energy and release what undermines their health and wellbeing.
If you would like an appointment with Kevin, you can book online or contact us directly at the clinic.
Mardiyanti, I. and Anggasari, Y. (2018). Effectiveness of JSJ (Jin Shin Jyutsu) Massage and Acupressure at Points of LR 3 (Taichong) and LR 2 (Xingjiang) in Reducing Blood Pressure of Pregnant Mothers with Preeclampsia. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium of Public Health – ISOPH, ISBN 978-989-758-338-4; ISSN 2184-3643, pages 122-125. DOI: 10.5220/0007510101220125
Millspaugh, J. et al. (2021) ‘Jin Shin Jyutsu® Self-Help Reduces Nurse Stress: A Randomized Controlled Study’, Journal of Holistic Nursing, 39(1), pp. 4–15. doi: 10.1177/0898010120938922.
Searls, K. and Fawcett, J. (2011) ‘Effect of Jin Shin Jyutsu Energy Medicine Treatments on Women Diagnosed With Breast Cancer’, Journal of Holistic Nursing, 29(4), pp. 270–278. doi: 10.1177/0898010111412186.
Clancy, D., Matthews, M., & Shlay, J. C. (2009). Jin Shin Jyutsu acupressure to improve the quality of life in people with HIV/AIDS. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Therapies 2(3), 173-175.
Maduri, Sudha & Kanikkannan, Lakshmi & Lakshmanan, Shanmugamurthy. (2016). A Clinical Study to find the Efficacy of Healing Children of Special Needs by integration of Brennan Healing Science with Jin Shin Jyutsu®. Ancient Science. 3. 10. 10.14259/as.v3i1.181.
Shannon, A.R., 2002. Jin Shin Jyutsu outcomes in a patient with multiple myeloma. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 8(5), pp.128-128.
Jin Shin Jyutsu International: