NOURISH Prebiotic Breakfast Drink Powder

Nourish is a prebiotic drink blend designed to boost gut nutrition and promote beneficial gut bacteria.


Nourish is a breakfast drink powder we created to encourage multiple prebiotic effects.

Prebiotics are foods and nutrients that feed and promote the growth and activity of beneficial microorganisms (microflora) that live in your gut (your microbiome).

A healthy gut microbiome means a healthier you.

There is not one cell in your body that is not affected by the trillions of microorganisms in your gut.

We tweaked and tested Nourish until we formed a perfect way for your gut microbiome to start each day.

Now, we’re making Nourish available to everyone.

Illustration of the god and bad bacterial flora that can be found in the gut.


We’ve created two boosting breakfast drink recipes to help you nourish your gut.

The first is a quick breakfast shake recipe you drink before eating other food.

Our quick shake is also perfect for people who are not fans of eating first thing in the morning but can still benefit from a good dose of prebiotics.

Our second Nourish recipe is a high-fibre breakfast smoothie designed to help you meet the recommended daily fibre intake essential for healthy gut function.

You can integrate our recipe ingredients into your favourite smoothies • gut health programs • or as an evening meal replacement for those trying to reduce their food intake – and still feel full.

Nourish Quick Breakfast Shake with a Milk Frother



1 rounded teaspoon of Nourish powder.

¼ cup of organic plant-based milk – Bonsoy, Almond, Coconut, or Hemp milk.

¼ cup hot water.


Pour the milk and then the hot water into a sturdy glass or teacup.

Add the Nourish powder and whisk until the powder dissolves into the liquid.

Enjoy every morning before you eat other food.

Recipe Notes

You can buy mini milk frothers, which are ideal for whisking the ingredients together. We stock mini frothers if you can’t find one locally.

Plant-based milk is used in this recipe to create a delicious drink that is rich in nutrients and contains anti-inflammatory properties.

If you drink animal milk, make sure you only use organic dairy products.

You can click on our reference links below for more evidence-based information about our recipe ingredients.

Prebiotics feed your gut microflora and encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria.


We created Nourish to help people transform their gut microflora using diet and nutrition.

It’s really eye-opening to see the connection between diet and disease.

Dietwise, 9 out of 10 Australians aged nineteen and over do not eat the recommended daily servings of vegetables.

And 4 in 5 adults aged nineteen to fifty do not eat enough fruit.

Instead, most of us overeat food high in energy (calories), sugar, saturated fat, and salt – and low in nutrients, whole grains, and fibre.

These poor dietary habits are putting Australians at risk of developing chronic diseases and health conditions, including:

• Obesity.

• Heart disease.

• High blood pressure.

• Stroke.

• Type 2 diabetes.

• Metabolic syndrome.

• Inflammatory diseases,

• Certain cancers.

• And some neurological disorders.

We are living an unhealthy lifestyle with a diet deficient in fruit, vegetables, and fibre.

And the facts speak for themselves.

Chronic diseases are the leading cause of illness, disability, and death in Australia.

Almost half of all Australians live with at least one chronic disease and one in five live with two or more chronic health conditions.

And much of this suffering is avoidable!

It’s up to all of us to value ourselves enough to change our lifestyles and support our health and long-term well-being.

Blunt as this may sound – we must wake up to what we are doing – to ourselves!

Our poor health is mostly self-inflicted.

And that we can do something about.

We can reduce our risk of chronic diseases by:

• Eating a wide range of nutritious foods.

• Nourishing our gut health.

• Drinking plenty of pure water.

• Exercising.

• Minimising alcohol and drug consumption.

• And better managing stress.

Regarding diet, we need to eat at least 2 pieces of fruit and 5-6 servings of vegetables daily – including different types and colours and legumes (beans).

Don’t get overwhelmed when you start changing your diet.

Start by eating 2 pieces of fruit daily, and gradually build to eating 3 cups of mixed salads and veggies (including beans) spread over your lunch, snacks, and evening meals.

And if you need recipes and inspiration, visit our Healthy Eating Directory.

It’s also recommended that eating 25 grams of dietary fibre for women and 30 grams for men is essential for proper digestion and gut function.

Dietary fibre is found in wholegrain foods, beans, nuts, seeds, fruit, and vegetables.

To help you meet your daily fibre intake and nourish your beneficial gut microorganisms, we created a fibre-boosting, prebiotic smoothie recipe.

Image of Nourish High Fibre Smoothie.


The dietary fibre content in our smoothie recipe is approximately 15 grams toward your daily target of 25 grams of fibre for female adults and 30 grams for men.

We are also using Australian metric measuring spoons and cups, which can differ internationally.

We chose high-fibre organic apples for this recipe because they also contain beneficial bacteria and are considered a probiotic food (see the recipe notes).

But – you can also add your favourite ingredients to this recipe.

We’ve added smoothie options to the recipe to keep your smoothies interesting.

PLUS – we’ve included a link to a food calculator so you can track your daily fibre intake.

The Check Your Food nutrition calculator is easy to use, and you can learn all sorts of interesting evidence-based information about the food you eat and what’s in it.

Smoothie Ingredients

1 rounded teaspoon of Nourish (prebiotic action).

1 Granny Smith apple medium size (≈4-5g fibre).

1 tbs Chia seeds (≈5-6g mostly soluble fibre).

1 cup (250ml) unsweetened activated almond milk (≈3-4g fibre).

2 Medjool dates to sweeten (≈1g fibre each).


Add the almond milk and Nourish powder to your blender first and blend until combined.

Core the apple to remove the seeds.

Apple seeds contain small amounts of cyanogenic glycoside (cyanide), which can accumulate to toxic levels, especially if you are eating an apple a day.

Leave the skin on and chop the apple into smaller pieces.

Then add the chopped apple and dates little by little until well blended.

Adding the apple and dates slowly won’t overload your blender.

The final step is blending in the chia seeds.

Add more milk if necessary until you create your favourite smoothie thickness.

It’s a simple recipe yet rich in fibre and nourishing for your beneficial gut microflora.

Ingredient Options

You can also alternate or add other ingredients to create a fibre-rich smoothie you love.

• 1 Pear (120 grams ≈ 4 grams fibre).

• ½ cup Blueberries (78 grams ≈ 2 grams fibre).

• 1 Kiwifruit (75 grams ≈ 2 grams fibre).

• ½ Mango (100 grams ≈ 2 grams fibre).

• 1 Banana (95 grams ≈ 1 gram fibre).

• ¼ Papaya. (85 grams ≈ 1 gram fibre).

• 1 small Avocado (120 grams ≈ 4 grams fibre).

• 1 cup baby Spinach (30 grams ≈1 gram fibre).

• 1 heaped tablespoon of Goji Berries dried (15 grams ≈2 grams fibre).

• 1 tbs Linseeds/Flaxseed (15 grams ≈ 4 grams fibre).

• 1 tbs Hemp seeds – hulled (15 grams ≈ 1 gram fibre).

• 1 handful Walnuts (15 grams ≈ 1 gram fibre).

• 100 ml organic Coconut milk – tinned (100ml ≈ 2 grams fibre).

• 1 tbs organic, cold-pressed Coconut oil (15ml ≈ 25% RDA essential amino acids/fatty acids).

• Sugar-free pure monk fruit extract to sweeten. See our monk fruit blog for more information.

• Pure, unprocessed honey to sweeten if needed.

Recipe Notes

We use Australian metric measures for our recipes. One teaspoon is the equivalent of 2.5 grams and 5ml. A tablespoon equals 15 grams and 20ml. One cup equals 250 mls.

We always recommend eating organic or biodynamic food produced without pesticides or chemicals harmful to human health.

Organic apples have favourable health effects on human health, the apple tree, and the environment in contrast to conventional apples, which were found to harbour potential food-borne pathogens (Wassermann et al., 2019).

Medjool dates are a low glycaemic index sweetener rich in fibre and essential nutrients.

You can click on our reference links below for more evidence-based information about our recipe ingredients.

This smoothie recipe focuses on fibre content, but the ingredients also provide other essential nutrients. Check Your Food calculator profiles their complete nutritional information.

A high-fibre smoothie is filling. If you can’t finish it all for breakfast, use a lidded drink jar and refrigerate the leftovers for your morning snack. You’ll stay full until lunchtime.

Some people find they get constipated when they eat fibre. In clinic practice, we see many people suffering from dehydration, which contributes to a sluggish bowel.

When you increase your fibre intake, drink plenty of pure water.

Homemade activated almond milk is delicious, but if you don’t have time to make your own, try Nutty Bruce unsweetened activated milk.

This unsweetened almond milk is certified organic and has no gums, thickeners, preservatives, colours, or added oils.

Nutty Bruce plant milks are widely available in supermarkets and local independent grocery stores in Australia and New Zealand.

You can make your smoothie your way with your favourite ingredients. Then add a teaspoon of Nourish and a tablespoon of chia seeds to gain higher levels of fibre your microflora thrives on.

You can also make smoothie bowls by adding an extra tablespoon of chia to thicken and garnish with fresh fruits, nuts, and seed toppings.

If your mornings are hectic, you can make your smoothie the night before and refrigerate it in sealed smoothie jars, ready to grab and go in the morning.

Be creative and have fun making fibre-rich smoothies you enjoy.

Your friendly gut bugs will thank you.

Create Nourish smoothie bowls by adding extra chia and garnish with fresh fruit, nuts, and seeds toppings.


The ingredients in Nourish were chosen because of their prebiotic action in your gut.

You can read more about the importance of prebiotics in my blog, Your Gut Microbiome & Why Prebiotics Are Essential.

A lot of scientific research into prebiotics initially focused on non-digestible, fermentable dietary fibres that could boost the growth and activity of beneficial gut microflora.

It’s now recognised that various foods and nutrients have prebiotic properties that benefit your gut microbiome.

As science evolves, the term ‘prebiotic’ is being updated to reflect a deeper understanding of gut microorganisms.

Marshmallow root contains a type of soft fibre called mucilage that is rich in prebiotic starches (polysaccharides), which help to regulate gut microorganisms.

Elderberry contains antioxidants (polyphenols) that have strong prebiotic effects on your gut microflora. Antioxidants protect our cells from damage.

Lemon Balm supports digestion and the movement of food through your gastrointestinal system.

Graviola leaf (Soursop) supports the growth of Lactobacillus casei (friendly bacteria) in your gut.

Green tea (Matcha) acts as a prebiotic that helps increase your colon’s Bifidobacterium species (friendly bacteria).

Irish moss is a prebiotic mucilage (fibre) that positively influences gut microbial communities.

Aniseed nourishes beneficial gut bacteria and helps stabilise your intestinal microflora.

Licorice root nourishes and helps modify the composition and diversity of your gut microbiota.

These are the ingredients we use in our drink powder to help you nourish your gut.

Nourish is available to everyone, exclusively from our clinic.

And you can download our printable recipe sheet by clicking on this link.

I hope the knowledge we share helps you commit to your health and enjoy the benefits you can create every day with every meal you eat.

Nourish feedback. What our clients say and the results they achieve.


Many years ago, I asked myself why do I do what I do?

And my answer to myself was because I wanted to help end suffering for people who struggle with sickness and disease.

That commitment to myself keeps me going.

And when my clients come to see me and tell me how they are since their last appointment, their results keep me going.

I am so grateful that I love what I do and I do what I love.

So a big thank you to my amazing clients.

Your efforts to end your suffering, keep me going.

It’s another reason why I created Nourish.

Much love,

Lisa Rieniets ND.


After two months I have no more gut or chest pain or tightness in my stomach.

My thinking is so much clearer too.

My sinus infection cleared up quickly. 

I’m usually so sick I can’t get out of bed for weeks with sinus infections.

This time I wasn’t even bedridden.

I also took up heavy exercise and it didn’t flare up my fibromyalgia.

My muscles are stronger and not sore after exercise.

I am so happy because before if I did any exercise I would be so sore I could hardly walk.

Now I feel like a completely different person and I can’t believe how much healthier I am since I started taking Nourish – Roma, C (Aged 69).


When you are not particularly healthy on your holidays, and you drink a lot, it maintains stability of your gut.

Improves overall general well-being – Jonah, W. (feedback on Nourish)


Nourish has given us the ability to be free from any bloating and gas which was a constant problem for us.

Every morning we make up a Nourish shake with the greatest of ease.

Our bowel habits are also back to a normal daily routine.

No more constipation.

Thank you to the people who have developed this amazing product – Heidi, T.


I had constant urinary tract infections and been through 10 antibiotic prescriptions.

But still I had an irritable bladder with an urgency to wee all the time.

I would go to the toilet, take four steps away, and have to go back to wee again.

It caused a lot of upset in my life.

I came to see Lisa and she made me a Nourish drink in my appointment.

I felt relief straight away.

After 5 days I am now better.

Thank you Lisa – Francis, B.


I’ve felt so much better on Nourish. In fact I haven’t felt this good for years.

I have so much more energy and I’m much clearer in my head. I can remember names and don’t lose words mid conversation.

I feel more confident because of my improved memory.

I love Nourish and I’m hooked on it – Yvonne, D.

Nourish prebiotic ingredients feed and promote the growth of good gut bacteria.


You can read the referenced studies by clicking on the underlined links and discover more about the relationship between food and your health.

For more information about prebiotics, visit our blog – Your Gut Microbiome & Why Prebiotics Are Essential.

Enjoy exploring!

Recipe Ingredients

Alalwan TA, Perna S, Mandeel QA, Abdulhadi A, Alsayyad AS, D’Antona G, Negro M, Riva A, Petrangolini G, Allegrini P, Rondanelli M. Effects of Daily Low-Dose Date Consumption on Glycemic Control, Lipid Profile, and Quality of Life in Adults with Pre- and Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrients. 2020 Jan 15;12(1):217. doi: 10.3390/nu12010217. PMID: 31952131; PMCID: PMC7019638. (Dates)

Baker A, Garner MC, Kimberley KW, Sims DB, Stordock JH, Taggart RP, Walton DJ. Cyanide Toxicity of Freshly Prepared Smoothies and Juices Frequently Consumed. Eur J Nutr Food Saf. 2018 Oct-Dec;8(4):215-224. doi: 10.9734/ejnfs/2018/44004. Epub 2018 Sep 3. PMID: 33313363; PMCID: PMC7731941. (Apple seed toxicity)

Ben Necib R, Manca C, Lacroix S, Martin C, Flamand N, Di Marzo V, Silvestri C. Hemp seed significantly modulates the endocannabinoidome and produces beneficial metabolic effects with improved intestinal barrier function and decreased inflammation in mice under a high-fat, high-sucrose diet as compared with linseed. Front Immunol. 2022 Sep 26;13:882455. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.882455. PMID: 36238310; PMCID: PMC9552265. (Hemp seed) is free to use on a basic level, with over 2000 ingredients and over 900 recipes, all displayed with their full nutritional content & health benefits. doi: (Food Calculator)

Dreher ML. A Comprehensive Review of Almond Clinical Trials on Weight Measures, Metabolic Health Biomarkers and Outcomes, and the Gut Microbiota. Nutrients. 2021 Jun 8;13(6):1968. doi: 10.3390/nu13061968. PMID: 34201139; PMCID: PMC8229803. (Almonds)

Goh YX, Jalil J, Lam KW, Husain K, Premakumar CM. Genistein: A Review on its Anti-Inflammatory Properties. Front Pharmacol. 2022 Jan 24;13:820969. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.820969. PMID: 35140617; PMCID: PMC8818956. (Soy Milk)

Muñoz-Labrador A, Lebrón-Aguilar R, Quintanilla-López JE, Galindo-Iranzo P, Azcarate SM, Kolida S, Kachrimanidou V, Garcia-Cañas V, Methven L, Rastall RA, Moreno FJ, Hernandez-Hernandez O. Prebiotic Potential of a New Sweetener Based on Galactooligosaccharides and Modified Mogrosides. J Agric Food Chem. 2022 Jul 27;70(29):9048-9056. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.2c01363. Epub 2022 Jul 13. PMID: 35830712; PMCID: PMC9335866. (Monk Fruit)

Schell KR, Fernandes KE, Shanahan E, Wilson I, Blair SE, Carter DA, Cokcetin NN. The Potential of Honey as a Prebiotic Food to Re-engineer the Gut Microbiome Toward a Healthy State. Front Nutr. 2022 Jul 28;9:957932. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.957932. PMID: 35967810; PMCID: PMC9367972.(Honey)

Wassermann B, Müller H, Berg G. An Apple a Day: Which Bacteria Do We Eat With Organic and Conventional Apples? Front Microbiol. 2019 Jul 24;10:1629. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2019.01629. PMID: 31396172; PMCID: PMC6667679. (Apples)

Nutrition & Health References

Australian Government Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2022). Chronic conditions and multimorbidity. doi:

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2022). Australian Burden of Disease Study 2022. doi:

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 2018, Nutrition across the life stages. Cat. no. PHE 227. Canberra: AIHW, DOI 10.25816/5ebcaca1fa7e2,

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Zinöcker MK, Lindseth IA. The Western Diet-Microbiome-Host Interaction and Its Role in Metabolic Disease. Nutrients. 2018 Mar 17;10(3):365. doi: 10.3390/nu10030365. PMID: 29562591; PMCID: PMC5872783.

Nourish Ingredients

Aquino, Jailane de Souza, et al. ‘Models to Evaluate the Prebiotic Potential of Foods’. Functional Food – Improve Health through Adequate Food, InTech, 2 Aug. 2017. Crossref, doi:10.5772/intechopen.69174. (Prebiotic Potential of Foods)

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