What matters is that we are stronger when we support each other.


We live in challenging times, and that is the perfect time to dig deep and define for ourselves what matters.

There is a lot of fear and uncertainty in this era we are experiencing.

And one thing for sure is that fear is contagious until you step out of it and face life head-on.

No matter what we are experiencing in life, we still have choices – how we choose to respond to our circumstances.

And how we respond to our circumstances will shape our lives, our outcomes, and the legacy we leave behind.

When life is a stormy sea, I invite you to captain your own ship and stand with self-authority in the storm.

Dig deep for strength and persistence.

Ask for help and guidance – especially in your prayers.

Make time for self-care – time to eat healthy food, rest, meditate (be still), and exercise.

Find meaning in your experiences.

Learn from your experiences.

Decide what matters in life.

Above all – ditch all stories – the stressful overthinking that haunts and undermines you. 

Calm your inner being.

Breathe deeply and rhythmically until you shake off all tension and get still and centred.

Learn to continually focus (and refocus) on what matters.

When you learn to master what you focus on, you overcome fear and leave drama behind you.

Many people do not realise how much their thinking affects their lives.

Be mindful in every moment and every minute, and concentrate on things that inspire you.

When you concentrate on fears, that’s called worry.

When you concentrate on love, that’s called finding peace.

Embrace peace.

Embrace life and all you face with love.

And never forget you matter.

And that love matters.

This journey in life is all about learning to love.

Even when we experience what love is not, we are learning about love – love’s presence and absence in our lives.

Love heals.

Love nurtures.

Love inspires.

Learn to love yourself and then love others from the fullness of your cup of love.

There’s nothing left to give if you exhaust yourself caring for others at the expense of your well-being.

Take the time to constantly expand your understanding of love in all its facets and expressions.

Keep going until you experience that love is the most miraculous connection with life, self, others, and sacred things.

In the absence of fear – love is all that is.

And we become powerful when we support each other with loving kindness.


I want to leave you with the words of a beautiful man who loved life and wanted people to love wild animals as much as he did.

Brian Barczyk died in January 2024.

Before leaving earth school, Brian filmed a goodbye for his family, friends, colleagues, and supporters.

I hope these pearls of wisdom from Brian’s message inspire us all to let go of fear and embrace what truly matters.


In the end, the only thing that matters is being good to people.

Heal your matters.

Your family matters.

Your friends matter.

Nothing else matters.

Be a kind person.

Be a good person.

Go after your dreams.

Help change lives.

Inspire people to love life.

Do good things in life.

Make a difference.

I love you.

I’ll miss you.

Be good.

– Brian Barczyk (1969 – 2024)


The energy of life itself is love.

As a naturopath, I help restore balance (health) in my clients’ lives.

Diet, exercise, rest, and quality sleep are important for maintaining health and well-being.

But even these aspects of life are about learning to love and take care of ourselves.

Above all – health is holistic.

And that means healing and maintaining all parts of you – your body, your mind, your heart, and your sacred self.

Embrace it all.

Live love.

Lisa Rieniets ND

What matters the most is that we learn to love ourselves and each other. Love is the answer.